Trading Titans: JASET's Launches Stock Market Challenge

What an exciting and educational event!

Recently, JA hosted students from Spring High School in the first JA of Southeast Texas Stock Market Challenge to introduce them to the world of stocks and investing.

The Junior Achievement Stock Market Challenge and JA Take Stock in Your Future program introduce high school students to the fundamentals of stocks, the impact of world events on the stock market, long-term investing, and how investors make investment decisions and diversify their portfolios. Students then get to put their learning into practice in the JA Stock Market Challenge, a hands-on and high-tech immersive simulation.

During the event, Frost Bank, Capital One Bank, and community volunteers played an integral role in preparing the students for the challenge. They conducted activities and sessions in the morning to help the students understand stocks, stock trading, and how to make investment decisions. The volunteers also provided guidance on how to prepare for the Stock Market Challenge Simulation, which took place in the afternoon. With floor traders entering team trades into tablets and press release runners distributing news, the environment was bustling with activity and energy. The simulation's format of a 60-day trading period, with each 60 seconds representing a day on the stock exchange, provides a condensed yet realistic experience for the participants.

Each team of students was given $500,000 in mock stocks and cash to build their portfolios, which allowed them to make investment decisions and strategize to achieve the highest return on investment. Participating in such a hands-on and immersive activity can provide valuable insights into the world of finance and investing.

Congratulations to the top three teams that received prizes for their performance in the Stock Market Challenge:

1st Lotus Final Score $520,735.67

2nd Black Magic Final Score $518,637.61

3rd Three Amigos Final Score $514,747.33

At the event’s end, the educators from Spring High School were impressed with the energy of the challenge and the experience that their students gained.

Sponsorships are now available for the 23/24 school year, and 3 events are already in the planning stages. If you are interested in learning more about sponsorships or participating in this event, please contact Patty Lalonde at
